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Raindrop Technique® Massage

A Massage that makes you Taller!

  • 1 h
  • 99 US dollars
  • John F Kennedy Boulevard

Service Description

*Yes, your height will be measured before and after the Raindrop!* Most clients will gain AT LEAST a quarter of an inch from their spine decompressing during the appointment! You've never experienced anything like the Raindrop Technique! Different from any "massage" you may be familiar with, the Raindrop Technique is an Anointing with nine essential oils, which feel like raindrops landing on your spine, combined with Native American massage techniques. 10 Benefits of Raindrop Therapy: 1. Loosens Muscle Tension This form of therapy is very effective at loosening tension. After just one session you will notice the difference and feel a lot looser, especially in the back and shoulders. 2. Helps to Improve Circulation in Your Body Improves oxygen and blood flow throughout the body. 3. You will be able to heal & fight off infections more effectively. 4. Reduces Pain Whether you live in pain or have an injury that needs tending to, Raindrop therapy reduces pain, especially back pain. 5. Relieves the Effects of Stress You will find a unique kind of relief through this form of therapy as the oils enter your body. 6. Improves Mood & Emotional Health The Raindrop relaxes you on a deeper level providing powerful emotional and stress relief. 7. Reduces Inflammation 8. Flushes Toxins from the Body Oils high in phenols help of flush toxins and speed up the body’s natural detox. The lymphatic system is stimulated into working harder and more fluidly. 9. You Will Reduce Fatigue and Feel Energized The Raindrop helps you feel rejuvenated. Perfect after a long day, or a long week. 10. You Will Think Sharper and Clearer with improved focus, creativity & productivity. **Disclaimer- Service booked less than 24 hours in advance are subject to rescheduling.**

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please call us at least 24 hours in advance. In order to continue offering "$12 Tuesdays", those deeply discounted sessions are non-refundable & may not be cancelled or rescheduled. Thank you for your understanding!

Contact Details

  • 4560 John F Kennedy Boulevard, North Little Rock, AR, USA

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